Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just what the world needs: another blog!

Just what the world needs, right? Another blog! After being dragged (kicking and screaming) into the world of Facebook in December of 2008, and more recently into the world of Twitter, I'm giving into pressure and beginning a blog. Again, just what the world needs: another blog!?!

What's the reason for another blog in a world overpowered by the personal musings of thousands upon thousands of persons on a daily (or hourly) basis? Put simply: because this one will be different. Yes, there will be occasional personal notes, posts about family stuff, cycling stories, etc. But, we'll deal with various topics here like theology, philosophy, Christian apologetics, Christian worldview issues, politics, world religions, new religious movements (the new buzz word for "cults"), popular culture, and nutrition.

You might ask, "So, what's the reason for the blog?" In my numerous dealings with individuals around the nation, especially individuals who are not Christians, one of the most common questions I am asked is, "Why do Christians believe X" or "Why do Christians act like they do?" With that in mind, when we discuss issues here, I'll explain a step-by-step process of belief as to why Christians hold certain beliefs or act in certain ways.

I hope to help fellow Christians understand ourselves better and to help non-Christians understand us better as well. As one of my favorites television shows used to quip, maybe we'll "boldy go where no one has gone before" (within the bounds of evangelical Christianity anyway).

Let's see what happens.

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